Wednesday, October 01, 2008

One Good Hour

The last two days have been crazy busy with the previously mentioned childcare supervision duties. I will say that when I was asked to take this on I was told that there would be plenty of volunteers to sit at the registration table. This turned out not to be the case so I was on call for 3 solid hours today.

I still haven't heard the shofar this year but I did slip away briefly today and managed to squeeze a 2-day holiday into one hour. The services at this time of year have their own special melodies and songs which seem to bring out intense emotions in me and yes, even public tears, much to my children's horror. Luckily I was solo and, despite the harried morning, was surprised to find myself briefly transported and while my prayer experience was far from ideal, I am grateful for some quiet, contemplative time which, as it turns out, was just enough.


Anonymous said...

M -- I have a shofar and can sound it for you.
I will bring it to work with me tomorrow (Thur) and if you come with Simon to get the rack thing put on his bike I will step outside and sound it for you. Just show up. Shanah Tovah! Love, B

Anonymous said...

M - sorry i missed my 1st shift on RH, but you can expect me for YK shifts. - Abigail

Tammy said...

Hi Magpie, I awarded you over on my blog. I hope you have a peaceful week this week even if it's not holiday for you.

Tikkunknitter said...

I share your ambivalence about congregational responsibilities, and have decided to take a break from social action committee work for a while (looking to my independent commitments instead).
This too shall pass, Melissa.
But you'll find a bit of audio-visual shofar experience here:
Shana tova, and
G’mar chatima tova.

Anonymous said...

nice to see you today. Abigail